2021 Mask Donations

As a pivot during the 2020 pandemic, Pam engaged a local tailor to help create and sew masks. By working with a local production facility we were able help support the supply chain during the height of the pandemic in addition to supplying masks those who needed them. We were able to both offer masks at cost or donate masks to organizations in need. Over the course of one year over 2700 masks were either donated or offered below cost.
Some of the organizations in the Chicagoland area that benefitted from donations were Lawrence Hall, Connections for the Homeless, District 65 Schools, CISOFChicago(Communities in Schools of Chicago).
Others who were able to receive cloth masks at less than the cost included: Old St. Pat’s, Crystal Home Care, Growing Home, Sarah’s Inn, Avenues, The Cradle, Lincolnwood Place, Evanston Golf Club, Farm Fresh Food Bank in Florida.
2021 Mask Donations
Thank you to everyone that helped make this contribution happen. Community truly is everything & we couldn't be more grateful for ours. 